Eastland Municipal Airport

2 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 8 D espite the name, Eastland, Texas sits in the northern central region of the state, some 96 miles west of Fort Worth. The city traces its roots back to 1873 and its independence from Mexico. Named in honor of Captain William M. Eastland who fought in the battle of San Jacinto, Eastland is the county seat of the namesake county. For Eastland, along with the other towns in the county – Cisco, Ranger, Gorman, Rising Star, and Carbon – everything changed in 1917 with the discovery of oil. Today, Eastland is a small city of 4,000 people along Interstate 20 that features a mix of business, industry, and agriculture. It is also a popular recreational area with four golf clubs, three beautiful lakes, hunting, fishing, hiking, and boating. “Our airport was built in the late 1940s,” says Bode Zietz, Airport Manager and owner of Eastland Aero, the FBO for Eastland AT A GLANCE EASTLAND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT WHAT: A busy general aviation airport WHERE: Eastland, Texas in the I-20 corridor between Dallas-Fort Worth and Abilene WEBSITE: www.cityofeastland.com/services/eastland-air.php Eastland Municipal Airport Welcome to Texas hospitality