Chester County, South Carolina

8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7 at warp speed. Over 3,000 new homes are slated to break ground over the next few years. Knowing the growth is coming their way, Chester County is prepared, so that it comes in a way that is beneficial to them. “We’ve taken a step back with the growth headed in our direction and have added some clarification language to provide guidance to developers who are looking to come to Chester County,” Long says. “We have laid out our expectations as far as setbacks, how big lots need to be, and things like that. I applaud County Council for trying to get ahead of the growth that is coming in our direction.” The county’s utilities are also working diligently to prepare for the influx of residents coming to the area. “All of our utility partners – Duke Energy, Chester Metropolitan District (our water authority), Chester Wastewater Recovery (our sewer authority) – are working hard behind the scenes to continually improve because they see the growth headed in our direction from both industrial and residential,” Long says. “Infrastructure is the less sexy side of what we do in economic development, but it’s vitally important that we have utility partners that are thinking ahead like ours are, so that we can be well positioned for years to come.” CHESTER COUNTY , SOUTH CAROL INA