Plexos Group LLC

alright. If somebody really needs a break and has to come home from a program, we can switch them out and make that happen.” Looking ahead to the near-term future, it seems likely that the number and intensity of natural disasters in the U.S. are only going to increase. Just between 2017 and 2020, FEMA has allocated over $100 billion in disaster funding. “I think there’s going to be unprecedented hurricane activity in the Gulf Coast and the severity of future disasters will present opportunities throughout the Gulf Coast, the Florida Panhandle, and off the East Coast as well,” Odom says. We want to make sure that when these communities are affected by a disaster, that they get the funding they are entitled to; that everything is documented and compliant.” The firm has also been branching out into other areas. According to Odom, “We have just spun off a group that we co-founded with some other individuals in cybersecurity that attracted the investment of a Fortune 500 company, which provided a good return for our shareholders. We also have our own IT systems we market and sell, and these are growing as well. One of these is called Plexosoft and is a program delivery package that allows us to stand up systems within a few days of the disaster to help manage the funding, the status of the projects, and also to make sure that all the documentation is complete, including an audit trail.” If these major disasters do continue to strike communities throughout the U.S., at least the individuals affected can rest assured that Plexos Group is standing by ready to secure the essential funding required for both short-term relief and long-term recovery. Whether facing earthquakes, tornadoes, or cyberattacks, Plexos knows exactly what to do next. And that’s a comfort, indeed.