Niagara Falls, New York
NOTHING ELSE COMES CLOSE 310 FOURTH STREET | NIAGARA FALLS, NY 14043 USA 1-877-88SENECA | SENECANIAGARACASINO.COM NI AGARA FALLS , NEW YORK “A lesson learned from the pandemic is the importance of being able to sustain ourselves. There’s an awful lot of attention being focused on the hospitality market, whether it’s coming from our own hospitality industry or happening because of the state’s involvement. I almost think the better practice for me is to get out and look for other industries to expand the economy here. We’re looking to develop an industrial park on the east side of the city where we have some shovel-ready land. We also have quite a few light manufacturing companies here, one of which, Niacet, is going through a pretty sizeable expansion.” The city is diversifying and, in some ways, reinventing its economy by positioning itself as the gateway between booming Southern Ontario and the United States. Niagara Falls is in the process of removing the Robert Moses Highway, which would restore access to nearly two miles of unutilized waterfront, and bringing quality projects to life in targeted redevelopment zones,
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