Fresno, California

FRESNO, CAL I FORNI A apartments built, so far, by a variety of builders. We’re still in the early stages of it, but there are certain folks who are starting to dabble in that side of the market and, hopefully, they’ll continue to do so and we’ll see more and more success as time goes on.” Lupe Perez, Fresno’s Economic Development Director adds that Governor Newsome recognizes the housing challenges in the State of California and particularly in the Central Valley. “He’s helping us to improve the housing and he’s committed money in the budget to help - about $20 million for education and housing. Having the support of the governor is tremendous,” she maintains. “We’re a growth-friendly community so our housing challenges are a little bit different than, say, the Bay Area, where it’s really hard to get housing approved,” Zack says. “They build about one home for every eight jobs created in Silicon