UCC Industries International

Complete Systems for the Continuous Support of Instrumentation to Control Tubing, Pipe, Cable, Bundles & Instruments USA www.jcwco.com CANADA www.ucci.ca he continues. “We started this business from the ground up. One of the main challenges when we started in 2010, was that we were unable to secure financing to get it going. The U.S. economy was still suffering from the economic downturn of 2008-2009, and the construction industry in 2010 was well behind the pace of recovery. As such, we were forced to self-fund the start up through the retained earnings of UCCI. Although it took us a few years to finally start to turn a profit, we are quite proud of the fact that we were able to do it on our own and grow the business without relying on outside funding. It has been difficult, but in the end, very satisfying to see that we have made it into a profitable little company. “The nuclear power renaissance here in Ontario has been, and will continue to be, an important part of the business. UCC Industries International has been a supplier to Ontario Power Generation, Bruce Power, Hydro One, and their associated contractors, for over 24 years. We’ve become an important supplier to the nuclear and non-nuclear utilities across Ontario as the go-to company for