UCC Industries International
name Unistrut Central until late 2005. We had gained many new product lines and been quite successful up until that point, but then had a situation whereby one of our suppliers did an ‘end run’ around us and sold directly to the end user, causing us to lose a three-year contract. We realized that as a company with the name of our main supplier as our own, we were vulnerable. If Unistrut Corporation ever decided to pull their line from us, we would have a problem with our name being Unistrut Central. In addition, we were now selling so many different product lines that we were constantly hearing the statement ‘I didn’t know Unistrut did this’. We would always reply, ‘Well they don’t, but we do.’ It became clear to us that it was the right time to change our name pictured left President and CEO, Brent Hughes pictured right V ice President, Cid Connon
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