Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport

2020, and it would be the first phase of expansion on our south side.” Furthermore, the Airport is in negotiations with the FAA to build a new taxiway into that area that would allow access to the other 170 acres, with the currently- available 30, already backed up to the existing taxiway. “So that would open the other 170 acres for development, and it looks like the FAA is going to fund it in 2024.” Anslow adds. Responding to the Airport’s current, and future, aviation-use growth, Anslow is beefing up his staff: “We added two employees in 2019, and we have budgeted for 2020 to add two more. At that point, we’re right-sized, but we’re on the cusp of what we think will be a tidal wave of development. We’re planning for the next three to five years of probably adding a significant amount of people. We believe that when these 30 acres get developed, and the FAA builds that taxiway over at the 170 acres, we’re going to need six to ten more employees to handle all the maintenance, and snow plowing, and everything else.”