Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport

ROCKY MOUNTA IN METROPOL I TAN A I RPORT growth, significantly.” There’s also more recent good news on the GA front. First, Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. finished construction on its 120,000-square-foot completion facility. “They make the aircraft in Switzerland, and then fly them here to Colorado to complete them,” says Anslow. “They do the custom interior and the avionics for their customers, here. All their offices and hangar space went to that one facility. Then, ten of those 12 Pilatus hangars that were being rented have now been sold to people with corporate or private aircraft.” Second, after years of planning, RMMA has a second FBO that has opened for business. “So, Sheltair, our second FBO, is under construction. Not only are they building their terminal and first hangar, they’ve seen such growth here every month, they’re going to build two 30,000-sq.-ft. hangars, simultaneously.” Third, Anslow and his team have cracked down on illegal hangar use – people who use hangars to store their boats or motorhomes. “A 1,000-square- foot hangar is about $200 at an airport, whereas a 500-sq.-ft. storage is about $1,000 out in town,” Anslow explains. “It’s not a major problem at airports, but it’s a consistent problem. I’ve empowered my staff to drive around and if they see an open hangar or, if we’ve heard that there’s no plane in there, we issue a warning that they have so much time to get a plane. Some of them get a plane, but a lot of them have gotten out. We’ve had a threefold increase in the average number of turnovers of hangars, this year and last year, than we did in the previous ten years. We averaged about four hangars a year that we turned over, and last year we did 12, and this year, we’re on track for 15.” Regarding the development of RMMA’s 200 acres of developable aviation-use land, Anslow reports, “We are getting ready to come out with an RFP for 30 of our roughly 200 acres of aviation development area. We’ve had significant interest from different companies that want to start putting in some corporate hangars and other box hangars. That would start construction in early