Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport

planning on over the next 20 years is growth from the building area out to that new runway. It is served by one taxiway and so, the new Master Plan is going to improve airfield circulation. We are planning on adding Taxiway D that will allow our east hangar area to taxi out toward RWY 16/34, which should improve circulation for our visiting corporate jets. We’re looking at a pretty big price tag - about $4.4 million. We’ll pay for those projects with federal, state, and local dollars and we try to take advantage of any improvement funds we can. So, that will be the next twenty years of our development according to the Master Plan.” “Our most recent project that we are very excited about is the new general aviation arrival/departure facility,” Wright enthuses. “For years, our restaurant and our general aviation building were both housed in the original airport passenger terminal, which was built in the 1950s. So, the lunch counter and the general aviation FBO shared the same lobby and, as each grew, there was a lot of pressure to separate