Futures of Palm Beach

FUTURES OF PALM BEACH and John Maguire, LMHC, CAP, ICADC, who rose to the title of Clinical Director. Together, with their coordinated care team of 100-plus employees, they are able to meet the needs of clients from both a medical and clinical perspective. “We are an abstinence-based program,” Maguire explains, “and we’re looking for balance - physical, psychological, social, and spiritual. A key component of our program re- lies on the capability of different departments working together to help the individual.” Regarding composition of the current clien- tele, approximately 30 percent of its clients are local to South Florida, serving both men and women with a predominant age range of 30 - 40 years old. “When they come to Florida from out of state, it’s because they need to be away from their triggers,” explains Dunkin. “That’s a big component. I hear from our patients many times, ‘I’ve been to treatment, before; I was close to home; or I was outpatient; but I felt I needed to remove myself because of the triggers that surround my home environment.’” “As far as the initiatives that we’ve been working on, it’s a continuous initiative to constantly review our program to make sure that we’re meeting the needs of the clients who arrive,” Ma- guire states. “That is from a medical, clinical, and well- ness perspective. Dr. Dunkin and her team address any medical needs; we also work with our physical fitness trainers, as well as physical therapists.” “We are very well aware of the tremendous impact of the opiate crisis and also very cogni- zant that the traditional treatment model pres- ents challenges for individuals,” Dunkin adds. “You cannot just tell an opiate addict, ‘We’ll detox you and give you a few days of treatment, and change your life.’ So we’re constantly researching the science and studies being performed to combat the crisis, including MAT, which is medication assisted treatment.What we’d con- sider is incorporating MAT into a very-well monitored behavioral program, with case management and core clinical services.” “From a medical and clinical perspective, we want to continue to do our research to identify what needs need to be met,” says Maguire. “We all know about the young heroin addict, but there are quite a bit of older adults with an opioid DR. GLORIA DUNKIN MEDICAL DIRECTOR JOHN MAGUIRE CLINICAL DIRECTOR