
T here is a simplemaxim that stands behind everything that Tennessee RVdoes: “If you treat customers like family,theywill staywith you like family for manyyears to come!” “I worked for a companycalled Foretravel,”explains Roger Sellers when asked about the beginnings of Tennessee RV,“and Foretravel was amanufacturer that owned seven factory stores and one of the locations was in Knoxville,Tennessee. In 2003, Foretravel decided to shut down their factory stores and sell direct- ly from themanufacturers. Wewere one of themore successful stores,so theywere going to keep us open longer than anyof the others.I was the General Manager there,and they toldme that I needed to be prepared tomove out byMarch 31st,2004. “So,we started to kind of thin out our inventoryand thin out our employees,”Sellers continues.“We had probably45 employees at the time.And in themeantime,we started trying to put something together.We partnered upwith a gentleman named CharlieAn- derson and opened that location backup,andworked out a deal with Foretravel to lease the propertyoff of them for a short time frame until we could find a newlocation or build a newlocation. Thenwe started gathering up different products–travel trailers, TENNESSEE RV A LOT GOING ON Tennessee RV