
G ary Delia created Home Per- formance Alliance, a Flori- da-based, specialty remod- eling company in 2011, after spending thirty years in the home im- provement industry. He started his ca- reer working for a well-known remod- eling company in the northeast, going from a young general manager to the company’s president fourteen years later. “I had some great mentors who taught me a lot,” Delia says. “I worked as a company executive and president and also as a consultant, over the years. I specialized in helping large home improvement organizations generate more profits. I was kind of a turnaround specialist that would correct deficien- cies and stimulate profits in organiza- tions, both on the manufacturing side and the retail home improvement side.” Today, after only five years, Home Per- formance Alliance has become a $20 million dollar company, ranked 32nd in Remodeling Magazine’s top 550, nation- wide. That growth has been due, not only to Delia’s hard work and innovative ideas, but also as a result of being in the right place, at the right time, with the right product, and with a unique way to mar- ket it. All of these have contributed to the company’s success. HPA HOME PERFORMANCE ALLIANCE THE RIGHT COMBINATION Home Performance Alliance AT A GLANCE HOME PERFORMANCE ALLIANCE WHAT: A specialty remodeling company WHERE: St. Petersburg, Florida WEBSITE: www.hpawindows.com