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THE EQUIPMENT DEALERS ASSOCIATION BUILDING THE BEST BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT EQUIPMENT DEALERS ASSOCIATION THE T he Equipment Dealers Association (EDA) – formerly known as the North American Equipment Dealers Association (NAE- DA) – is a non-profit trade organization that represents retail dealerships in North America that are directly focused on the sale and service of agricultural, construction, industrial, forestry, outdoor power, lawn and garden, and/or turf equipment. From its modest beginnings as the National Federation of Retail Implement & Vehicle Deal- ers’ Association, the EDA has served equipment dealers for 117 years and is continually commit- ted to building the best business environment for equipment dealers.  EDA is the unified voice representing the interests and needs of equipment dealers with manufacturers and government officials to promote and enhance dealer-manufacturer re- lationships and to advocate for a positive legis- lative and regulatory environment.Working on behalf of our members, its efforts enable mean- ingful, productive collaborations that promote the ongoing success and growth of the industry. The EDA is headquartered in St. Louis, Missou- ri and works closely with regional equipment associations through the United States and Canada. Currently, there are several issues impacting the equipment industry, specifically in the areas of inventory, trade agreements, transportation, workforce development, and right to repair.