ac home

variety of reasons; they want U.S. real estate as an investment; some of them are moving here; some of them have kids here; some of them already have their green cards; there’s a variety of reasons.” The Chinese connection spawned another sub-market for the company, with the ad- dition of the Immigrant Investor Program. Created by the U.S. Congress in 1990, to help stimulate the domestic economy through job creation and capital investment, the program expedites the citizenship process for foreign- ers who invest a minimum of half a million dollars into any project that will create jobs – and real estate and construction projects have, historically, been typical recipients of the injected capital. “Those are investors,” Kottlowski explains. “They are not buying houses – they are investing their money into the project, itself. And that money is loaned to one of our companies to put in the infrastruc- ture, build the houses, etc.” of sectors from single family homes, condo- miniums, shopping centers, offices, and hotels, to high rise towers and resources infrastruc- ture. The company’s 27 full-time staff offers a portfolio of services, including design and construction, project management, land plan- ning and zoning, legal, accounting, property management, leasing, and project finance. In addition, today, AC Home owns thousands of acres of land at various locations in several states across the country. “We’re entrenched in Houston, but we also own property in Chicago, Dallas, parts of Florida, Atlanta,” Kottlowski says. “We’re always purchasing property.” These company-owned parcels are in various stages of planning, zoning, and development, and ultimately could yield over 143,560,000 square feet of residential and/or commercial use. In a highly competitive industry, Kottlowski says that his company’s strategy for success has been to find niche sub-markets within the broader marketplace. For example, in 2014, AC Home entered the Chinese market and the results have been salutary. “I was fortu- nate, several years back, to meet some people here that had connections to China and they were also in real estate sales,” Kottlowski says. “Together, we found a niche for a U.S. developer and homebuilder to get the prod- uct in front of Chinese buyers, in China, who want to buy U.S. real estate. Chinese buy for a AC HOME