Business View Magazine
and road reconstruction
and resurfacing, street-
light replacement, sani-
tary sewer replacement
and rehabilitation, wa-
ter main replacements,
more flood control proj-
ects, and storm water
studies, among other
Carol Stream is also just-
ly proud of its ongoing
commitment to “green”
its operations, and has
been recognized for its
sustainability efforts by
DuPage County, Com-
monwealth Edison, the DuPage Conservation Founda-
tion, and the Illinois Recycling Association. Within the
last several years, the Village has re-lamped all of its
facilities with energy efficient lighting, installed LED
parking lot lighting, replaced 150 old street lights with
energy-efficient LED lights, expanded its residential
curbside recycling program, and redesigned its snow
plowing program to reduce the use of road and car-
damaging salt.
The Village of Carol Stream is in the process of pre-
paring a new Comprehensive Plan for the community.
Through the Comprehensive Planning process, com-
munity goals and aspirations in areas such as land
use, recreation, housing, education, economic devel-
opment, quality of life, open space, and infrastructure
are determined. The goals and objectives in the new
Comprehensive Plan, which will be adopted by the Vil-
lage Board at the end of the process, will guide future
land use decisions and community development ac-
tivities. The new plan is expected to be complete early
this fall.
Part of Jay Stream’s vision was to create a sustainable
and self-sufficient community that would break the
Chicago commuter syndrome and create employment
opportunities for its residents, without having to leave
town. As the Village of Carol Stream embarks on its
next 50 years, it’s entirely possible that with its mix of
residences and businesses, its committed local civic
groups, its forward-thinking citizens, its supportive cor-
porations, and its innovative government-sponsored
initiatives, it just might move up several notches on
the Best Places to Live in America list.
Thomas Engineering Group