Business View Magazine
contamination, and employs a 100 percent recycling
policy for scrap. In addition, its plants store no report-
able quantities of hazardous materials in manufactur-
ing and use no chlorinated solvents.
As JM Eagle continues to promote the use of its plastic
pipe products in all of its commercial, industrial, and
philanthropic activities here in the U.S. and around the
world, it is certain that it will likewise continue to hew
to the guiding vision of its CEO, Walter Wang: “It is my
vision that all countries—both emerging and estab-
lished—build or replace their infrastructures to be long
lasting, to protect their environments and precious re-
sources, and to deliver clean, fresh, and safe water to
their people.
- Omya is a leading global producer of industrial
minerals, mainly fillers and pigments derived from cal-
cium carbonate and dolomite, and a worldwide distrib-
utor of specialty chemicals. The company’s major mar-
kets are forest products (fiber-based products such as
paper, board and tissue), polymers, building materials
(paints, coatings, sealants, adhesives and construc-
tion materials) as well as life sciences (food, feed,
pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, environmental products
and agriculture). Founded in 1884 in Switzerland,
Omya has a global presence extending to more than
180 locations in over 50 countries with 8,000 employ-
ees. -
S&B Technical Products Inc.
- S & B Technical Prod-
ucts, an innovator and leader in the rubber and plas-
tics business for over 80 years, manufactures so-
phisticated components for oil and gas exploration,
production, transmission, down-hole logging, pipe in-
spection, and water works utility operations. Malo-
ney has a 150,000 square foot manufacturing facility
in Fort Worth, Texas USA, with compression, transfer
and injection molding, of both elastomeric and ther-
moplastic materials. Maloney’s world-wide presence
allows its customers to communicate with local per-
sonnel without the difficulties imposed by language or
time zone. Extended technical support is always avail-
able via e-mail or phone with the company’s main pro-
duction facility in Fort Worth, TX. -
Camia Trade Inc.
PMC Group