Toronto Catholic District School Board

“The community officers run programs for our kids; in our school, they run the after-school karate program and other clubs. The police officers develop relationships with the kids and cultivating and nurturing those relationships benefits our community.” The Board also maintains a social work department that “facilitates our students’ well-being, whether it’s mental health, physical, or even spiritual well-being,” Bisceglia relates. “We work with the Archdiocese and the local parish, including our parish priest. They come in every month and they’re also here for religious holidays. They develop relationships with the kids. There’s a caring adult for them if they need support and guidance. We want to make sure we’re a community of caring adults so the kids have someone to turn to for whatever reason.” TECHNOLOGY AND THE STEAM CURRICULUM When it comes to actual classroom instruction, sports field that’s beyond the court, how to continue to build on what we’ve already done at the school, and where else we can improve sports facilities.We did a Board-wide field study and we’re using the recommendations in that study, going forward, to plan projects across the Board.” KEEPING STUDENTS SAFE AND WELL Keeping students safe and healthy is always a top agenda item for a school board.The TCDSB maintains a “Safe Schools” department that liaises with many community partners. “Our Safe Schools Department places a real emphasis on developing and nurturing partnerships with community agencies,” says Bisceglia. “It’s about collaborating and coming together as a community and allocating resources to a cause.” A special partnership exists between the Board and the Toronto Police Service. “The police are great partners for us,” Bisceglia adds. Toll Free 1-800-411-6311 Local 1-519-720-6911 • Sales • Service • Maintenance & Repairs • Inspections 6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04