Premier Pools & Spas

make active use of newer technology to accomplish the task at hand. Recognizing the power of digital marketing, Premier Pools & Spas invested heavily in cutting-edge strategies to reach customers effectively. “The big difference that we have is we went out and became experts at digital marketing really early on,” Porter says, explaining that from SEO optimization to augmented reality brochures, the franchise consistently leverages technology to engage and captivate audiences, driving unparalleled growth. The best example of this can be found in its incredible website performance, which, just last year, drew in approximately 1.5 million people, resulting in 115,000 new leads in 2023. The franchise’s main operating system was also designed in-house, giving it total oversight over the day-to-day operations of its franchisees, which is crucial. While pool builders are great at building durability under rough conditions. Since then, the company’s last 10 years operating as a franchise can only be described as a massive boom. Within that time frame, the average growth rate in the industry was about 48%, however, Premier Pools & Spas grew by a massive 2400%. The PFM network witnessed exponential growth, reaching a staggering $757 million in revenue by 2022, and now supports 165+ locations between both its pool building and pool servicing franchises. “There are 15,000 pool builders and… last year we built about 11% of all the pools in America, so our franchises are highly successful. We have a kind of unique model,” says PFM Founder and CEO Paul Porter, recognizing his franchise’s preference for handling many of its operational processes in-house. ELEVATING FRANCHISEE STANDARDS THROUGH DIGITAL INNOVATION Many of Premier Pools & Spas’ in-house operations 7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04 PREMIER POOLS & SPAS