Maryland’s Main Street Development Program

What began with just three communities has blossomed into a statewide initiative spanning over 50 communities, representing some of Maryland’s strongest and most resilient business districts. Housed within the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, Main Street, Maryland, stands as a potential for communities striving to preserve their heritage while fostering economic growth. Designated Main Street Maryland communities have steadfastly committed to enhancing their traditional downtown business districts’ economy, appearance, and image. Christine McPherson,Assistant Director of Community & Economic Development Partnerships, offers valuable insights into the Main Street Maryland program’s inner workings and impact on communities statewide. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT McPherson emphasizes that “the program serves as the key catalyst for community development and the revitalization of Maryland’s historic downtowns.” However, as with any ambitious undertaking, challenges are sure to arise. McPherson illuminates the primary hurdles these communities face in economic development, which mirror those encountered nationwide.“Filling vacant storefronts, assisting small businesses in transitioning to an online presence, and cultivating a loyal customer and visitor base are among the foremost challenges,” she explains. Vacant storefronts detract from these areas’ visual appeal and signify lost economic potential and community vibrancy. Furthermore, the shift towards online commerce presents a unique set of obstacles for small businesses rooted in traditional brick-and- mortar establishments. LEVERAGING RESOURCES “In response to these challenges, the Department of Housing and Community Development has allocated substantial resources,” McPherson continues, “Over the past two years, we’ve deployed over $40 million in funds to support small business growth and expansion in Main Street communities statewide.” 3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04 MARYLAND’S MAIN STREET DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM