Little Chute WI

village’s residential capacity. “As we continue to improve some of the areas just to the north of 41, we’re utilizing our comprehensive plan and some of our overarching zoning to help accommodate more of the residential in a balancing manner,” Bernhoft explains. On the concept of mixed-use developments as a potential avenue for further expansion, Bernhoft indicates that the village’s zoning ordinances are designed to support flexible development plans, enabling the introduction of market-rate housing that meets the community’s needs. “Our zoning code does an outstanding job of making standards attainable for developers,” he notes, emphasizing the importance of remaining adaptable to the evolving requirements of builders and developers. ENHANCING QUALITY OF LIFE THROUGH OUTDOOR SPACES AND COLLABORATIVE EFFORTS As communities across the nation strive to improve the quality of life for their residents, Little Chute stands out for its innovative approach to leveraging outdoor spaces and fostering collaborations. The village’s initiatives aim to enrich its inhabitants’ lives and serve as a model for sustainable community development. Kittel highlights several vital projects underway in Little Chute that focus on expanding and improving the village’s outdoor amenities. One of the most anticipated additions is the construction of a splash pad designed to offer children a refreshing outdoor play area. “A lot of these’s a big team effort,” Kittel notes, emphasizing the collaborative nature of these projects. The introduction of the splash pad, along with ongoing efforts to enhance the trail system, underscores the village’s commitment to creating engaging outdoor spaces for residents of all ages. The trail system in Little Chute, in particular, is undergoing significant expansion, including a new bridge over the Fox River to facilitate safer pedestrian movement between Little Chute and neighboring communities.“By doing this, it provides a safer route for pedestrians to move between the two municipalities,” Kittel explains, highlighting David Kittel highlights the village’s efforts to rejuvenate its downtown area, particularly after COVID-19. The revitalization efforts were significantly bolstered by the state of Wisconsin’s Economic Development Corporation’s bounce-back grant, which facilitated transforming a downtown building into a multi-unit space housing nearly ten businesses. “It’s impressive,” Kittel remarks, praising the diverse range of services these new enterprises offer, from home decorating to marketing. Moreover, Kittel touches on the deep-rooted sense of community and loyalty to Little Chute, which encourages local investment and development. He shares compelling examples of businesses like US Auto Force, and Faith Technologies, whose decisions to expand within the village were driven by a desire to give back to the community that shaped them. “They could have gone outside of the state if you will, but they wanted to stay in and reinvest in our area,” Kittel explains. ADDRESSING HOUSING CHALLENGES WITH INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS The housing market across the United States and North America faces significant shortages, impacting communities both large and small. In Little Chute, Wisconsin, this national trend has not gone unnoticed. As the village experiences remarkable business development, the need for residential expansion has become increasingly apparent. Bernhoft acknowledges the widespread conversation about housing shortages among municipal managers in Wisconsin. “The village certainly is trying to grow alongside some of this business development,” he asserts, pointing out the tightness in the current residential market and the expansion opportunities.The village’s response to this challenge is multifaceted, focusing on increasing housing availability while ensuring that development is sustainable and harmonious with Little Chute’s community ethos. A key initiative highlighted by Bernhoft involves the development of duplexes by Romenesko Developments, aiming to introduce 23 new duplex units south of the I-41 corridor. This project, among others, signifies a targeted effort to enhance the 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04 L I TTLE CHUTE, WI