Little Chute WI

its aim to spotlight local businesses and entertain the community with music and festivities. Pints on the Plaza represents another avenue through which Little Chute seeks to revitalize its downtown area. Set against the scenic backdrop of the village’s historically reconstructed windmill—a nod to Little Chute’s Dutch heritage—this event offers residents a chance to gather, enjoy choice beverages, and take in the beauty of their surroundings.“It’s a nice place to come down in the summer,” Kittel notes, emphasizing the importance of communal spaces in enriching residents’ lives. Beyond these events, Little Chute is also making strides in enhancing its urban infrastructure to encourage community interaction. Kittel mentions developing a new pedestrian mall area to provide more spaces for people to explore downtown businesses and enjoy the outdoors. The village’s commitment to creating a pedestrian-friendly environment extends to its impressive trail system along the Fox River, offering residents and visitors 5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04 L I TTLE CHUTE, WI