Lake Park Florida

Forest Development • 561.570.5299 • Lake Park Harbor Marina 105 Lake Shore Drive Public-Private Partnership (P3) Marina Redevelopment 220 Lake Shore Drive Completion Early 2025 Downtown at Corner of Park Ave and 10th Street Proposed Luxury Apartment Community LAKE PARK, FLORIDA resilience in the face of climate uncertainty. EMBRACING PROGRESS AND SAFETY Safety infrastructure, including surveillance cameras, license plate readers and shot spotters, represents a proactive approach to law enforcement, enabling the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office to combat crime and maintain public safety effectively. The integration of surveillance technology demonstrates Lake Park’s willingness to embrace innovation in the service of community security, resulting in a rapid decline in the crime rate over recent years. Mobility is a focal theme in Lake Park’s development strategy. A mobility plan is being implemented to enhance transportation options and reduce congestion. By leveraging mobility fees from developers to fund alternative modes of transportation, Lake Park is among the first area municipalities to create its own mobility plan and anticipates facilitating seamless movement within and beyond its borders. The emphasis on mobility dovetails with the town’s vision for public spaces and community gathering areas. Through the Parks Master Plan, Lake Park seeks to transform its waterfront and parks into vibrant recreational and social activity hubs, further developing community life. In addressing forthcoming transportation needs, advocating for expanding public transit options, including establishing a Tri-Rail train station in Lake Park, aligns with the town’s comprehensive mobility plan. This forward-thinking approach aims to improve connectivity and accessibility for residents and visitors. BUSINESS GROWTH AND EXPANSION Further highlighting Lake Park’s business-friendly environment are characteristics of accessibility, openness, and flexibility. The town’s proactive stance on land use regulations underscores the importance of granting businesses the flexibility to pursue innovative ventures and seize emerging opportunities. Moreover, the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) outlines Lake Park’s dedication to incentivizing