Jones County NC

of life to its residents. Home to vibrant towns like Trenton, Maysville, and Pollocksville, Jones County promises an enriching experience for residents and visitors alike. County Manager, Kyle Smith states, “We have somewhat of a traditional community here in Jones County, more of a rural landscape, and a lot of forest land. We are a very ag-based county with some very historic townships incorporated that offer a small but vast range of different commodities and things to the community.” A THRIVING COMMUNITY Central to Jones County’s identity is its reputation as a safe community with a low crime rate, which Smith credits to the efforts of the sheriff’s office as well as emergency management and emergency services staff who work hard to instill a sense of security and peace of mind among residents. Economic Development Director, John Bender, suggests that although Jones County is a rural community, the area is embracing opportunities for growth and economic development.“We have plenty of room to grow, we want to see some job creation, we want to enhance what we have currently, but we also know who we are,” he asserts.“We don’t exactly want to be like the larger cities that surround us.We take pride in the slower pace around here.” Currently, the county is looking into grant opportunities to enhance recreation options within the community. “In Jones County, it has been tough to retain young folks,” Bender admits. “A lot of folks grew up here, then they leave, and they find jobs elsewhere and don’t come back. So, we’re trying to work on what we can do to try to keep it attractive for the younger generation.” FOSTERING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT At present Jones County boasts a mix of larger companies and small manufacturing enterprises. Among the notable employers are ag-related companies like Nutrien AG Solutions and Meherrin Agriculture & Chemical Company, two of the county’s largest employers,who are located in theTrenton area. APEX, a smaller manufacturer of plastic extrusions, is based in the town of Pollocksville, along with Adams 3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04 JONES COUNTY, NC