Jones County NC

come to our community.We welcome all businesses. We want to see this place grow.” This sentiment is echoed by Smith, who further highlights the excellence of Jones County’s public school system and its state-of-the-art facilities. He states,“Jones County Public Schools was recognized for achieving an outstanding graduation rate of 95%. We want to recognize that, and just have people understand not only that we’re a safe community, which we pride ourselves on, but we also have nice facilities within our school systems. On top of that, Jones County is poised with a group of homegrown leaders who want to see the county thrive. We have a group of people that want what’s best for this community.” With strong leadership, community engagement, and abundant advantages, Jones County stands as a hidden gem poised for a bright future. PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Jones-Onslow Electric Membership Corporation n Enterprise Fleet Management n Firstfloor Energy Positive n SfL+a Architects PROUD SUPPORTER OF JONES COUNTY! 10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04