Dimora Homes

plans, and start developing an overall plan that is going to meet their goals,” he elaborates. “Other times people come to us and they have no plans and they don’t know what their goals are. They just know that they want a well-built home.” In this case, Dimora Homes will sit down one-on-one and talk about what is important to the client and help define goals through an open and transparent conversation to determine what might best suit the design of their home. “The answer is not always the same,”True summarizes. Dimora will provide a rough budget at the beginning of the client-conversation and as pre-planning advances, those budget goals may be adjusted to better cost out the project. True highlights that the upfront process through to the last nail hammered into the house frame is tracked in Dimora Home’s CRM which allows for client communication and the ability to view the project during the construction phase. Future Forward- A Passive Home Focus While busy enough, Dimora Homes is always looking to the future and thinking about the best possible home designs that will uphold the highest standards of efficiency and sustainability. When asked what direction the company is moving over the next few years, True answers easily. “One design that I am very excited about is going to be a passive house.” “A passive house” is a standard of building that represents a high-performance home that is as far as you can take it. Passive houses have historically been very difficult to build and there are only three or four of them in Austin,” he points out. True emphasizes that there is a very strict building code associated with these specialized home designs which requires inspection and certification. “This passive house that we are planning is what got me into this new area. Now that I am in it I have gone through the training and become a Phius Certified Builder (CPHB) and now we are in discussions with several other people about building more passive houses. 8 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04