Dimora Homes

“Number two and three go hand in hand because you do the same tasks to achieve them: comfort and health.” “Number two and three are achieved by building a tight envelope and controlling the air inside with precision.” “Then the last thing, number four is energy efficiency and this is last for a reason because these other things are really what people care about and energy efficiency is the byproduct; it is going to come already if you are addressing all these other things in high performance.” Ture highlights that high performance can always be ‘dialed in’ once the core foundation is addressed. “Sometimes we want to be even more energy efficient and so we can dial in for things like increasing the levels of insulation, improving the windows, but doing this in a very precise manner because just adding stuff won’t cut it,” True explains. When asked about the costs associated with these high-efficiency design measures, True is quick to answer. “I think that high performance costs a lot of money when you don’t have any idea what you are doing because it is easy to solve a problem with money.” “If you are educated about these things and understand the concepts and have some experience you can put together a system that achieves high performance at a pretty reasonable cost. Planning the house carefully and achieving high performance on a budget is possible,” he states. ‘SUSTAINING’ THE DESIGN PROCESS Beyond providing carefully planned out sustainable solutions for its clients, Dimora Homes facilitates a pleasant, communication-based, and transparent client experience, setting the bar high for its local competitors. QUALITY SERVICE, EXPERT CARE Family-owned HVAC company based in Rosanky, TX. Call 512-924-9744 for more information 6 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04