Dimora Homes

generations and be healthy and comfortable on delivery,” True elaborates. “We generate business through referral. However, we get a lot of business off of YouTube,”True notes when asked how they have built up their loyal client base. “I put some YouTube videos up about how we do things and why and this has gotten pretty popular. I have been featured on some really popular channels including Matt Reisinger who has a very popular building channel all about high performance and he has featured us on that and done quite a bit for us,” he adds. Interest in Dimora Homes’s construction methods has not stopped at a social media presence, the builder has also earned the loyalty of valued vendors and subcontractors that the company can rely on to help move along their projects to construction completion. “One name that comes to mind is Corbett Lunsford. He does our Manual J calculations and HVAC design. HVAC is such a big part of high performance. He helps us to get the correct sizing and design. This is what Corbett helps us do.” “We also work with McCoy’s Building Supplies which pretty much caters to builders. They understand our needs and they know what we are ordering and why. They also understand why the delivery schedule is so important,” True outlines. With increased interest in its construction approach, True has carefully outlined the criteria that form the foundation. “There are four main things at the core of high- performance homes,” True says. “Number one, above and beyond everything else is durability because it doesn’t matter if your home is efficient if it is going to eventually fall apart. So that is the most important thing,” he describes. 5 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04 DIMORA HOMES