Custom Builders

job is too big or too small’ and because of the labor shortage, we can quit advertising even though it is still our philosophy because we were not able to take care of everybody. “I do think that is still our philosophy because it all comes down to what the customer needs and we can accommodate them with the resources we have.” The client interaction begins in the very early design phase of construction for Custom Builders. “We talk by phone or email or in person and focus on the scope of the project. The timeline is a big piece for me because of the labor shortage and we will determine if our timeline fits their desired timing.” “We do our design in-house. We can design almost anything that needs to be designed. Sometimes clients will bring in their designs or we agree to work off an architect’s plans. This forms phase two of our construction process,” Grub outlines. Custom Builders can hammer out costs for each project which represents the third phase of their construction process and they do not charge for these upfront services, further illustrating the company’s commitment to keeping their clients happy. PROJECTS ON THE HORIZON “One of the projects that we are working on right now is in the forefront of my mind,” Grub relays. “It is a 9000 square foot home with a 1000 square foot garage so it is a large home. “It is very detailed with a lot of fancy trim work and it is one of those projects that is something that you do once or twice in your career, so it has been a really fun project that we have utilized reclaimed snow fences in the construction,” he adds. The capacity to source local products and create an enviable ‘rustic’ look is something that Grub is particularly proud of when describing the project. Other projects the company is working on shed light on Custom Builder’s shift towards green building initiatives. “We are very much an advocate of anything 8 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04