Coventry Rhode Island

Addressing the availability of reliable internet in the town’s more remote areas, Parrillo acknowledges the challenges but remains optimistic. Lima elaborates on the complexities of extending broadband services, especially in less urbanized areas. “Rhode Island is in the nascent stages of organizing its approach to broadband expansion, with a state broadband office recently established to manage federal grant funding,” she observes. Lima highlights the bureaucratic hurdles and the state’s focus on urban centers, suggesting that Coventry’s ambitions to improve connectivity in its western regions may pave the way for similar initiatives statewide. COVENTRY’S HORIZON: 2024 AND BEYOND In an era where communities are constantly evolving, Coventry, Rhode Island, is at a pivotal juncture, poised to redefine its identity and trajectory for 2024 and beyond. The town’s leadership, deeply aware of its unique position and potential, articulates a vision that is both ambitious and grounded in the ethos of inclusivity, innovation, and growth.        €  CAR20240319RIBVM 8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04