Archbald PA

borough provides resource officers to those locations. In emergencies, the Emergency Operations Center will play a crucial role in responding to incidents within the district. With volunteer recruitment a challenge for fire departments, there is a push to merge multiple fire departments into one cohesive unit. This consolidation will not only streamline operations but also ensure better coverage and response times for emergencies. “Archbald was a mining town with hills and valleys. In the old days, the fire truck was a horse and a buggy, so they built fire halls on the hills and valleys,” adds Trently. Experiencing rapid expansion requires foresight, insight, and hindsight. COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT As Code Enforcement Official for the Borough of Archbald, Brian Dulay liaises with the planning commission - civilians assisting the town council with the land development plans. There are three major sections in the town. The Lackawanna Valley Industrial Highway, runs on the easternmost mountain and has two exits within Borough. Business parks with plots ready to be developed provide amble employment opportunities. One of the largest users is a warehouse totaling 800,000 square feet and employing 1,000 people. These businesses are vital in providing the municipality with tax income. Along the western edge, Business Route 6 houses retail commercial uses and restaurants. Upcoming development includes new stores and a 24/7-style convenience store with a gas element. Dulay says, “They are on both sides of us, and we are in a spot where one’s needed.” The town is looking for businesses to provide a variety of retail goods to their residents, as they remain reminiscent of the long-gone old-time department stores. In the residential arena, townhomes have emerged as a sought-after option, particularly for homeowners looking to downsize or simplify their lifestyle. With residents preferring low-maintenance living, these 4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04