Amesbury Massachusetts

the next 5 to 10 years,” suggests Cracknel. “I think what’s equally important is that the code in the community, the land use regulations need to be commensurate with that infrastructure capacity.” He says the city has streamlined its processes to encourage adaptive reuse of abandoned buildings, relaying,“We have made a concerted effort to make sure the zoning code and the land use regulations are conducive without a lot of red tape for somebody to be able to come in and make an investment to repurpose these buildings.” Amesbury is exploring higher density housing opportunities, taking an innovative approach with local developers to create new mixed-income neighborhoods with a mix of housing types. “We’re trying to build a slightly lower density with a larger footprint,” Cracknel details. “They will have a mix of single family, multi-family rowhouses, and some larger corridor buildings with 24-32 units.” These neighborhoods will include community buildings with a range of recreational amenities, to be enjoyed by all. The plan emphasizes connected communities, not only through the road network but Photo Credit: Dinisco Design 9 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 04 AMESBURY, MASSACHUSETTS