
10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 SELMA , TE XAS By the end of the year, the city will have a new subdivision complex completed and a new apartment complex built on nine acres of land. The developers of the apartment complex were able to lease the building out so quickly that they decided to purchase and develop a new building right on another nine acres of land. After this project is complete, the city will have no more areas zoned for housing. So, the focus moving forward is to develop more light industrial and manufacturing warehousing, with some redevelopment opportunities along the I35. One of the largest development projects happening in the city of Selma is the expansion of the Hospital District. The Selma Hospital serves most of the northeastern region of San Antonio, and with the population boom, the City of San Antonio is expanding this district. “The City of Antonio has bought 42 acres in Selma, on which they plan to build a five-story, 625,000 square foot hospital. Adjacent to this hospital will be two medical office buildings