
8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 150th anniversary. As well, the results of a recent feasibility study have indicated that as the city continues to develop, it would benefit from a conference center in the downtown core. As a popular hunting destination, Pittsburg has a number of hunting lodges, bringing people in from across the country. “We have a decent- sized airport, so we have a lot of people fly in to do hunting and fishing excursions here in town. There’s a lot of outdoor activity in that regard,” Byers says. Hiking and biking opportunities have been improved throughout the community, through the efforts of the city’s Active Transportation Advisory Board. A feasibility study is also underway to determine the need for an outdoor sports complex focusing on soccer and baseball. “It shows a strong indication that a sports complex would be very beneficial, given our location, and our lack of current facilities,” Byers reveals, “We have to decide exactly how to do it, but the demand is here, the need is here.” PI T TSBURG , KANSAS