10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4 FLOSSMOOR I LL INOIS community. Non-profit organizations are also valued in the community, where volunteerism is a focus for many. As an example of the volunteer efforts,Watchtel mentions the recent MLK Day of Service, explaining, “It’s a day on, not a day off. We set a record with 23 service projects that happened in our community. We had hundreds of volunteers doing all sorts of community service from building beds for children, to collecting hygiene products and socks for a shelter program, to supplying food for those who are undergoing cancer treatment. The community is very civic-minded and we’re really proud of that.” In partnership with the Army Corp of Engineers and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, Flossmoor has been able to undertake a major project known as the Berry Lane Drainage Improvements Project. This award- winning road reconstruction was designed to accommodate flooding in an area that has been dealing with issues for years. Repairs to a viaduct in the downtown to solve another long-term flooding issue are also underway, using a mix of national and state grant funding, and bond funds. Improvements to sewer lining and extra road resurfacing projects are also on the agenda. “Flossmoor has a history of valuing its role in infrastructure improvement, especially recognizing that we’re a well- established community,” conveys Wachtel. “The village had the foresight, when we established a TIF district in Southwestern Flossmoor that we were putting the investment in ahead of the development to bring what was originally unincorporated farm land up to commercial capacity standards. We invested ahead of the development so that when the businesses came, they would have that infrastructure already put in and available to them. That’s just one example of how we value our role in supporting the business community with infrastructure.” As far as future plans go, Nelson stresses that the top priorities are securing development on that 30 acres of vacant village-owned land,
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