Conklin Company

7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 true to its commitment to quality. Mr. Herbster notes that there are very few products they are unable to make in their own facility. One example is Conklin’s health care line, which requires an FDA approved facility. Another example is the company’s single ply roofing system. “It’s still our research, it’s our formulations, and they are all manufactured in America,” he maintains. “We only create and manufacture the best of the best,” Herbster asserts. “I always tell people, if you want the best end result of a product, that means you have to search the world to find the best raw materials.” Conklin Company has not been exempted from the supply chain challenges over the last three years, but strong vendor relationships have worked to the company’s advantage. “We have a tremendous relationship with all of the vendors that we do business with,” Herbster asserts. “Our relationships are so solid because we understand what our vendors are going through, and we try to treat them with the utmost respect.” Citing the example of Conklin’s goal to process invoice payments from their vendors within 15 days of receipt, he adds, “That does mean a great CONKL IN COMPANY deal, particularly over the last few years when a lot of companies have struggled. So, our vendors have really gone to bat for Conklin in helping us get raw materials.” Of course, there have still been shortages, and substantial price increases, but Conklin distributors have remained patient through it all. As for how he approaches the situation, Herbster discloses, “Here’s what I believe, and here’s what I have taught to my distributor base and in all the businesses that I own: as long as you have and keep producing a top-quality product, people will wait. They will be patient. Although we have seen supply of raw materials recently free up, prices have not followed as quickly. It has always been our policy to pass on not only increases, but also savings to our distributors.” Producing a top-quality product is the focus of all of the businesses he owns. In addition to Conklin Company, Inc., Mr. Herbster also owns: Agri- Solutions, Inc. in Red Oak, IA; Carico Farms, Inc. and Herbster Angus Farms, Inc. in Falls City, NE; Judy’s Dream, Inc. in Omaha, NE; and North American Breeders, Inc. in Berryville, VA.