FullSpeed Automotive

5 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 4 THE CLEAN CHOICE V a c u u m T r u c k S e r v i c e s P a r t s C l e a n e r s U s e d O i l S e r v i c e s W a s t e D i s p o s a l A n t i f r e e z e S e r v i c e s Call 877-938-7948 or Visit Crystal-Clean.com For a Quote “When we’re looking for a new franchisee, we are seeking someone who has good financial knowledge, a strong work ethic, and values honesty,” Stilwell notes. “These three attributes are extremely important in franchising, especially in the automotive business. A lot of people who engage with the sector feel like they are always being taken advantage of because they don’t know much about the automotive industry. So, it’s really important for us to have honest franchisees, who treat people correctly, and carry out honest work.” FullSpeed Automotive’s focus on finding the right candidates is resulting in franchisees who are keen to expand their operations. The company currently has quite a few franchisees boasting multiple locations, with around 15 to 20 currently looking for additional units. “Our newest franchisee is a single mom, a realtor who was looking for an additional business opportunity when she fell in love with the