Appalachian Flooring
I A N F L OOR I NG F loors are a fundamental component of a home’s design and construction. The right choice of flooring can boost a home’s resale value, elevate the aesthetic of the space, and even contribute to a more sustainable planet. When it comes to hardwood flooring options, Appalachian Flooring’s dedication to detail, functionality, and beauty make them a winning choice from both a cost and quality perspective. Manufactured to fit their mantra of ‘affordable luxury’ and reflect their signature style of understated elegance, Appalachian’s products – available in both high-quality solid wood and engineered hardwood profiles – set the tone for a lifestyle in more ways than one. “We really like our position,” states Keven Brochu, General Manager of the Quebec- based company with 20 years of success behind it. “We’re right in the middle, between the low-cost producer and the high-end part of the market. We consider A F F O R D A B L E L U X U R Y
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