Peace River Regional District, BC

and working hard to improve recycling, even though it’s very expensive to ship those materials out of the region for processing. Sperling notes, “I want to give a shout out to the whole district and the 12 members that sit on that Board. They’re a great bunch, very strong, and I couldn’t have done the job as Chair for the last 3 ½ years without them. All seven community mayors are on the Board and we all work very hard at trying to move forward, and on understanding and building relationships. As part of that, we’re forming and working on partnerships with our First Nations neighbors, they are very important to our local communities. Looking ahead, I’d like to see more and stronger relationships with our First Nations, without a doubt; and a lot more partnerships between the member municipalities and the rural areas in the District and I think that will be achieved. There will be a lot more joint infrastructure put into place over the next five to ten years. “Number one in importance about Peace River RD is the people. Whether you’re older like I am, or the younger demographic, it’s comforting; a hardworking, comforting place where neighbors help neighbors. Our tagline – diverse, vast, abundant – is what we really are. It’s incredible.” PREFERRED VENDOR n Aquatech Canadian Water Services