Arrow Linen Supply Company

Zecron Textiles 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 2 2 9 2 9 4 | I N F O @ Z E C R O N . C O M | W W W . Z E C R O N . C O M Di rect impor ters and di s t r ibutors of Ins t i tut i ona l Tex t i l es pr imar l y to the L i nen Renta l Indus t ry . The color striped Bistro Napkins provides durability of polyester and absorbancy of cotton. towels? We’d like to try and tackle all services needed for the restaurant, instead of just linen.” In what is a pretty competitive sector, Anthony believes that one of the things that separates Arrow Linen from other suppliers is its very responsive customer service. “If you call in the morning, we promise delivery the same day or within 24 hours,” he states. “Another item that I think separates us from other laundry services is our operations – the clean energy that we use at our facility, and our efficient operations.” Those efficient operations include a combined heat and power (CHP) system in the company’s Brooklyn plant that uses exhaust heat from two 150-kilowatt generators to heat boiler feed water. Before this system’s installation, Arrow was operating at 40 percent energy efficiency; it’s now 65 percent. In 2005, the company received an Energy Star CHP Award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy in recognition of