Barkley Regional Airport

terms of other things, the Board is currently considering a new terminal building because the core building that we have now, even though doubled in size, goes back to 1954. So, it’s increasingly difficult to meet TSA se- curity standards in a building that was never envisioned to do that sort of thing. So, that’s one thing that we’re looking at very strongly. It would be in a different location, a different sector of the Airport, which means, along with that, as time goes by, the Airport fire station would have to be moved to that new site, as well as the Airport equipment building where we house our mowers and snow plows and other service vehicles.” “We’re currently in the middle of a Master Plan update and that may contain some oth- er suggestions of where we need to go,” Roof says in conclusion. “The Airport Authority has investment plans for both landside and air- side improvements as well as investment in technology to improve passenger experience and operational capabilities, and we hope to improve the customer satisfaction experience through new modern facilities and additional services such as a full-service restaurant and shopping opportunities. The Authority will also continue to seek opportunities for additional air service, such as its recent successful efforts to acquire a third Chicago flight.” PREFERRED VENDOR n Simmons Engineering Inc.