Buckles Smith

ofdifferentmanufacturersona jobsiteormachineand coordinatedifferentmanufacturerbrands thatprovide the right solutionfor thecontractoronacommercial buildor theOEMwho’sdesigningandbuildingthemachine.” Cook: “Wenotonlyworkwithend-usersandmachinery builders,butwithcontractorsandsystemintegrators that haveveryspecificindustryknowledge.Weareadistributor, wedon’tmanufactureproduct.Whatwe’veseenmore andmorewiththeecosystemof theend-user is that contractorsare interested inapplyingour assemblycapa- bilities topre-fabricatedassemblies.This reduces timeon a jobsite,increases thecontractor’sefficiencies,andhelps make themmoreprofitable.” BVM: Howis technologyimpactingyouroperations? Peschke: “Internally,we’reputting inwarehouseman- agement systems to increaseefficiencyandaccuracyof ourdistributionsystems.We’reusingtechnologytohelp maximize thedeliverysystemtocustomersusingGPS androutingguides.Bayarea trafficisnot funtodealwith, sowe’reconstantlytryingto improveour logisticsmodel.” Cook: “We’vedonequiteabitof investment indigital journeys.We’reapioneer intheelectrical distribution industry(EDI)–aidingcustomerswithplatforms for conductingtransactionselectronicallyandproviding services toscrubandnormalize theirdata,whichhelps themutilizeelectronictechnologies forpurchasingand productionneeds.” BVM: Weunderstandyouhaveanewsustainablestate- of-the-artbuilding. Cook: “Yes.It’sa three-acrecampuswithtwobuildings. We’re just intheprocessofmoving intothesecondbuild- ing.Itusedtohouse the largest tortillamanufacturer in ***H. L. Floyd and B. J. Nenninger, "Personnel Safety and Plant Reliability Considerations in the Selection and Use of Voltage Test Instruments," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 367-373, 1997. *F. A. Manuele, “Accident costs: Rethinking ratios of indirect to direct costs,” Prof. Safety, pp. 39–47, Jan. 2011. **R. B. Campbell and D. A. Dini, Occupational Injuries From Electrical Shock and Arc Flash Events. Quincy, MA: Fire Protection Research Foundation, 2015. VeriSafe ABSENCE OF VOLTAGE TESTER $200,000 to $320,000 INDIRECT COSTS Property Damage and Repair, Training and Compensation for Replacement Workers, Fines for Workplace Safety Violations, Administrative Costs* EVERY 30 MINUTES A WORKER IS SEVERELY HURT FROM ELECTRICITY AND THE COSTS ARE SURPRISING VeriSafe | Safety $50,000 to $80,000 DIRECT COSTS Workers’ Compensation, Medical and Legal Expenses** 11.7% 18.3% 36.7% Reported near misses of personal injury Facilities experienced interruptions to plant operations due to voltage testing incidents Facilities experienced a personal injury when using hand-held voltage test instruments*** TEST THE TESTER CHECK THE VOLTAGE RE-TEST THE TESTER TEST THE TESTER CHECK THE VOLTAGE RE-TEST THE TESTER VeriSafe ™ AVT Prevents direct exposure to electrical hazards and determines voltage statu s before equipment is accessed. Traditional Method Determining absence of voltage with hand-held testers presents a risk of exposure to electrical hazards. VeriSafe ™ Absence of Voltage Tester (AVT) minimizes risk by performing voltage verification testing before equipment is accessed – every time, every test. For more information visit pages.panduit.com/safety Design-First Thinking Means Safety is No Accident Electrical safety is a top-of-mind issue for manufacturers, but the challenge of balancing safety and productivity remains an issue. Delivering products that can both keep workers safe and maintain high productivity are critical, especially for those industries where regula- tory compliance is important. These are among the key findings from a new electrical safety survey commissioned by Pan- duit®, an electrical safety and connectivity industry leader. The survey of nearly 500 industry professionals in both plant operations and building design found electrical safety technology is a highly sought-after solution for maintenance and operations teams. “Nowhere is the need for worker protection more apparent than the area of electrical safety, so it’s important to fill the information gap regarding code changes and the technologies that will keep people safe,” said Bob Krisel, Vice President, OEM at Panduit. Electrical safety in the workplace begins with design and relies on the development and communication of an effective safety program, inclusive of all employees, and that provides continual safety training and program updates. By design and practice, workplace electrical hazards must be considered before other factors, because ignoring prevention is an accident waiting to happen. To read more findings from Panduit’s survey, visit https://pages.panduit.com/electricalsafety-wp1 BUCKLES-SMITH